As Seen On:

Thembi Bheka

Empowering Dreams. Transforming Lives.

Moving to Canada with just $5 in my pocket, I knew my life would never be the same again. Though I had no idea what the future held, deep down I believed that the path I was about to take would not only change my life but also the lives of many women I had left behind.

As I navigated life in a new country, I wondered how I would fulfill this dream of empowering women in Africa while working as an ICU Nurse. Though the dream seemed far-fetched, along the way, there were signs. Signs that I was meant for more, signs that the ICU was just another stop on the long journey God had envisioned for me.

Many years later, I look back with gratitude. Not only has God allowed me to touch the lives of women in Africa, but I have also graced many stages that once seemed far beyond reach, including Inbound, LaunchCon, Smart Passive Income, and Podfest, to name just a few.

This path, which God laid for me, continues to unravel with ease, grace, and favor. Who knew a girl from Zimbabwe, who never graduated from university, would find herself leading a company chosen to work with Stanford University?

If I can impact and inspire your audience to believe in the power of what I call a miracle in my life, so they can achieve greater results, I would be honored.

I believe that anyone, despite their background or history, can achieve their God-given purpose on this earth.

Work With Thembi


Inspire and Motivate with Dynamic Speaking Engagements

Elevate your event with Thembi Bheka’s inspiring and action-driven speaking engagements. Known for her dynamic presence and transformative insights, Thembi captivates audiences and motivates them to take meaningful action.

Speaking Topics:

  • From $5 to Market Pioneer

  • Resilience Redefined

  • Empowerment Journey

  • Impact-Driven Entrepreneurship

  • Building a Freedom-Based Business


Transforming Potential into Excellence

  • Unlock Your Potential: Turn challenges into opportunities with personalized strategies and a tailored roadmap for your unique business goals.

  • Redefine Resilience: Cultivate a resilient mindset and learn techniques to navigate entrepreneurship's complexities with confidence.

  • Empowerment and Growth: Discover your unique abilities, leverage your strengths, and create impactful change for lasting success.

  • Purpose-Driven Business: Align your business with a higher purpose to drive meaningful impact and sustainable growth while generating profit.

  • Achieve Efficiency and Freedom: Build a business that runs smoothly without constant involvement through automation, streamlined operations, and strategic planning.

Insights For Success

Stacey Murphy

Step into Your Power: Rewriting Your Success Story with Mindset Shifts

August 14, 20243 min read

Unleash Your Potential: The Power of Storytelling and Mindset in Business

In the ever-evolving world of business, success often hinges on more than just strategy and execution. It’s about mindset, storytelling, and the narratives we tell ourselves. Stacey Murphy, a seasoned entrepreneur and expert in business growth, shares her transformative approach to harnessing the power of storytelling and mindset to overcome challenges and reach new heights in business. Here's how you can apply these lessons to your entrepreneurial journey.

The Art of Learning Beyond Business

Stacey emphasizes the importance of engaging in activities outside of your business to foster creativity and reduce stress. Whether it's learning to play the piano, painting, or any other hobby, stepping outside your business allows you to approach challenges with a fresh perspective.

Why it Matters:
Engaging in activities outside of business can reduce stress and bring a new perspective. These moments of play allow you to reconnect with your innate creativity and innovation.

Key Questions to Transform Your Narrative

When you're embarking on any learning journey, Stacey suggests asking yourself two crucial questions:

  1. What do you tell yourself when you succeed?

    When you achieve something remarkable, what is the story you tell yourself? Do you say, "I was made for this," or "I am a natural"? Recognizing these positive affirmations is key to reinforcing confidence.

  2. What do you tell yourself when things don't go according to plan?

    How do you react when faced with setbacks? Instead of falling into negative self-talk, Stacey advises reframing your narrative. For instance, if things go awry, you might say, "I'm courageous, and I will tackle this challenge head-on."

The Impact:
By consciously changing the stories you tell yourself, you can shift from a limiting mindset to one of empowerment and growth. This mindset shift is vital for breaking through self-imposed barriers and achieving your full potential.

The No Upper Limit Mindset

Stacey encourages us to embrace the idea that there is no upper limit to our potential. Often, the barriers we face are self-imposed, residing only in our minds. To overcome this, continuously ask yourself, "What's the story I'm telling myself?" and reframe it with action-oriented verbs that propel you forward.

When faced with a daunting business task, instead of saying, "I can't do this," say, "I will be courageous and tackle this challenge."

Business as a Performance: Enroll Yourself and Others

Stacey likens running a business to a circus performance, where you, as the leader, must first enroll yourself in the mission. You can't enroll others until you believe in the vision yourself. This enrollment extends to clients and team members, creating a unified mission that drives success.

Action Steps:

  • Enroll Yourself: Start each day by reaffirming your commitment to your business mission.

  • Enroll Your Clients: Communicate your passion and belief in your product or service to inspire trust and loyalty.

  • Enroll Your Team: Foster a culture of collaboration and shared vision to maximize team effectiveness.

Rewrite Your Story, Rewrite Your Success

In conclusion, Stacey's insights remind us that success in business is often a reflection of the stories we tell ourselves. By consciously rewriting these narratives, we can eliminate self-doubt, embrace limitless potential, and lead our businesses with confidence and clarity.

Ready to transform your business mindset? Start today by identifying the stories holding you back and rewriting them with positivity and action. Share your journey with us in the comments below, and let’s support each other in achieving our dreams!

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Thembi Bheka

Thembi Bheka is a visionary leader, inspirational speaker, and transformative coach dedicated to empowering African talent and entrepreneurs globally. With a remarkable journey from overcoming adversity to achieving market success, Thembi brings unparalleled expertise in personal development, building resilience, and business strategy. Her mission is to inspire and equip frustrated and overwhelmed online entrepreneurs with the tools and insights needed to build freedom-based businesses, drive sustainable growth, and lead with vision and purpose. Thembi believes in innovation, empowerment, and sustainable growth, striving to simplify, scale, and succeed without overwhelm. Through dynamic speaking engagements, personalized coaching, and strategic consulting, Thembi Bheka is committed to transforming challenges into triumphs and helping others achieve extraordinary success. Her goal is to create a ripple effect of positive change and serve entrepreneurs and business leaders with inspiration, clarity, and confidence.

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