As Seen On:

Thembi Bheka

Empowering Dreams. Transforming Lives.

Moving to Canada with just $5 in my pocket, I knew my life would never be the same again. Though I had no idea what the future held, deep down I believed that the path I was about to take would not only change my life but also the lives of many women I had left behind.

As I navigated life in a new country, I wondered how I would fulfill this dream of empowering women in Africa while working as an ICU Nurse. Though the dream seemed far-fetched, along the way, there were signs. Signs that I was meant for more, signs that the ICU was just another stop on the long journey God had envisioned for me.

Many years later, I look back with gratitude. Not only has God allowed me to touch the lives of women in Africa, but I have also graced many stages that once seemed far beyond reach, including Inbound, LaunchCon, Smart Passive Income, and Podfest, to name just a few.

This path, which God laid for me, continues to unravel with ease, grace, and favor. Who knew a girl from Zimbabwe, who never graduated from university, would find herself leading a company chosen to work with Stanford University?

If I can impact and inspire your audience to believe in the power of what I call a miracle in my life, so they can achieve greater results, I would be honored.

I believe that anyone, despite their background or history, can achieve their God-given purpose on this earth.

Work With Thembi


Inspire and Motivate with Dynamic Speaking Engagements

Elevate your event with Thembi Bheka’s inspiring and action-driven speaking engagements. Known for her dynamic presence and transformative insights, Thembi captivates audiences and motivates them to take meaningful action.

Speaking Topics:

  • From $5 to Market Pioneer

  • Resilience Redefined

  • Empowerment Journey

  • Impact-Driven Entrepreneurship

  • Building a Freedom-Based Business


Transforming Potential into Excellence

  • Unlock Your Potential: Turn challenges into opportunities with personalized strategies and a tailored roadmap for your unique business goals.

  • Redefine Resilience: Cultivate a resilient mindset and learn techniques to navigate entrepreneurship's complexities with confidence.

  • Empowerment and Growth: Discover your unique abilities, leverage your strengths, and create impactful change for lasting success.

  • Purpose-Driven Business: Align your business with a higher purpose to drive meaningful impact and sustainable growth while generating profit.

  • Achieve Efficiency and Freedom: Build a business that runs smoothly without constant involvement through automation, streamlined operations, and strategic planning.

Insights For Success

Ann Wilson

From Earning to Spending: Ann Wilson's Tips for a Wealthy Life

August 14, 20243 min read

In a world where we're often judged by what we have rather than who we are, it’s easy to get lost in the race to earn more. But what if the secret to a fulfilling life isn’t about earning at all? Instead, it might be about how we choose to spend our most precious resources: time, energy, and money.

This was the enlightening perspective shared by financial expert Ann Wilson during our recent interview.

Shifting the Focus from Earning to Spending

Ann began by addressing a common misconception: that happiness and success are tied to the amount of money we make. "It's easy to get fixated on the earning," she explained. "But true wealth is about more than just financial gain. It's about how we spend what we have."

She emphasized the importance of conscious spending and how it impacts our quality of life. According to Ann, "The real question is, am I choosing wisely how I spend my precious resources? That's how we create conscious, wealthy, extraordinary lives."

Time: The True Wealth

Time is often overlooked as a resource, yet it is the most precious one we have. Ann urged us to be mindful of how we spend our time and to prioritize activities that align with our values and goals.

"Every moment is an opportunity," she said. "We can either waste it or invest it in something meaningful. When we spend our time wisely, we create a life filled with purpose and satisfaction."

Reflect: Are you spending your time on what truly matters to you?

Energy: The Fuel of Fulfillment

Our energy is finite, and how we use it directly affects our well-being and success. Ann spoke about the importance of managing our energy to ensure we are living our lives to the fullest.

"It's not just about being busy; it's about being effective," Ann shared. "By focusing our energy on positive pursuits, we can achieve more and feel more fulfilled."

Reflect: Are you directing your energy toward activities that uplift and inspire you?

Money: A Tool for Enrichment

Money is often seen as the ultimate goal, but Ann reminded us that it’s merely a tool for creating the life we want. She encouraged us to view money as a means to enrich our lives, not define them.

"Invest in experiences, growth, and giving back," Ann advised. "These are the things that bring true joy and fulfillment."

Reflect: Are you spending your money in ways that align with your values and bring you joy?

The Freedom to Choose Wisely

Ann's insights boiled down to one powerful truth: our freedom lies in how we choose to spend our resources. With this freedom comes the responsibility to make choices that lead to a life that is not only wealthy but also meaningful.

"Conscious spending is about making intentional choices that reflect who we are and what we stand for," Ann concluded. "It's about living with purpose and creating a life that is truly extraordinary."

Invitation to Learn More

If you found Ann Wilson's insights as inspiring as I did, I invite you to watch the full interview. Ann delves deeper into the art of wise spending and offers practical advice on how to transform your life by aligning your spending habits with your true values.

Ready to transform your life? Purchase the full interview here and take the first step toward living a conscious, fulfilling life.

By embracing the wisdom Ann Wilson shares, we can learn to spend our time, energy, and money in ways that truly enrich our lives. Let us all strive to create a life of abundance, fulfillment, and joy by choosing wisely how we spend our most precious resources.

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Thembi Bheka

Thembi Bheka is a visionary leader, inspirational speaker, and transformative coach dedicated to empowering African talent and entrepreneurs globally. With a remarkable journey from overcoming adversity to achieving market success, Thembi brings unparalleled expertise in personal development, building resilience, and business strategy. Her mission is to inspire and equip frustrated and overwhelmed online entrepreneurs with the tools and insights needed to build freedom-based businesses, drive sustainable growth, and lead with vision and purpose. Thembi believes in innovation, empowerment, and sustainable growth, striving to simplify, scale, and succeed without overwhelm. Through dynamic speaking engagements, personalized coaching, and strategic consulting, Thembi Bheka is committed to transforming challenges into triumphs and helping others achieve extraordinary success. Her goal is to create a ripple effect of positive change and serve entrepreneurs and business leaders with inspiration, clarity, and confidence.

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